Everything Will B great when U use Ur HEART to see N FeeL

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Saturday, September 12, 2009

Tell me the answer~

Was ist das Gefhl der Liebe ..?
Kann ich taste it ..? oder es zu berühren?

Wird es süß? Sour? oder Salty ..?
Er ist weich wie eine Feder? hart wie ein Stein?
Scharf wie ein Messer? oder berührungslose??

Translate this if u wana share ur answer..^^

* 2 all who know the feeling.. congraz^^

Sick Made me mad~
(xMex) 12/9/09


Eugene S.E. Teow said...

What is this suppose to mean?

J-vin said...

As you said, it's a Gefhl which wasn't to taste, touch.

It's just an imagination, it can be as hard as concrete, soft as tofu, sweet as sugar?, sour as puke?, salty as salted fish?, sharp as spike, blunt like err..

xDeviLx恶魔 said...

Haha nice 1 j-vin.. ^^
interesting.. XD C:

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