Everything Will B great when U use Ur HEART to see N FeeL

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Friday, October 17, 2008

[N]othing~ Blank...

Rain makes me feel calm....
thunder makes me scare...
sunnyday makes me blur...
cloudy makes me feel comfie...

All i know is how to waste my time...
doing something that is not important...
thinking something that is past...
cry for something that won't exist again...

y can't i just do something that is worth me to do...
y can't i just let go something that not mine anymore...
y can't i just let the past go...?

Mcdonald or Pizza Hut?
WHich I prefer most...
Mcdonald is the best...
i can eat all by myself..~

Don't ask me y...
I Don't like to be asked...
I'll tell u when i want....

life is complicated...
beware, don't step the wrong stone... or else u will drop into the deepest hole...
no one knows~


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